Low Climate Impact Chicken
Projektansvarlig: Jette Søholm Petersen
De forventede resultater fra projektet bliver offentliggjort på denne internetside:
4. kvartal 2025. Projektets resultater stilles gratis til rådighed
Introduktion: The project Low Climate Impact Chicken (LowCLIC) will decrease chicken climate and environmental impact by lowering impacts from the feed the birds eat and by reducing impacts from the manure the birds excrete. LowCLIC Chicken supports the transition towards a climate neutral welfare chicken by researching and re-engineering procedures and techniques in all parts of the chicken value chain.
Carbon footprint from chicken feed is reduced by developing and implementing new dietary norms for slower growing chickens, in combination with feed additives and new feed ingredients. Emission of greenhouse gases from manure handling, is lowered by developing a new heat exchanger system and by recycling manure to be used as a new fertilizer that adds less eutrophication to the environment. In addition,
LowCLIC will improve animal welfare by lowering the NH3 level in the stables and increasing the number of slow growing broilers.
Throughout and beyond the project period, stepwise reduction in carbon footprint is documented and compared for major links in the chicken value chain, and new mitigation methods are dissimilated. The consortium behind the project assures that powerful execution and value creation is built in via the value chain project structure. With this project the chicken climate impact can be reduced by 50% corresponding to 4 kg CO2e per chicken, without compromising animal welfare.