Low Climate Impact Chicken (LowCLIC)
Projektansvarlig: Jette Søholm Petersen
De forventede resultater fra projektet bliver offentliggjort på denne internetside:
4. kvartal 2024. Projektets resultater stilles gratis til rådighed
Introduktion: The project Low Climate Impact Chicken (LowCLIC) aims to facilitate the development of a climate neutral welfare chicken, by reengineering high climate impact procedures into new low impact procedures that reduce carbon footprint throughout the value chain of slow growing broilers (SGB) and fast-growing broilers (FGB) without compromising animal welfare.
The overall objectives are to reduce carbon footprint from feed and manure, accounting for 95% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the chicken production chain.
For feed the objectives are to reduce chicken carbon footprint by developing new nutritional norms for SGB, to implement new feed enzymes and insect protein to reduce the use of soyabeans and decrease the amount of feed used per chicken. The amount of feed consumed per chicken will also be reduced by implementing a new health surveillance system. These objectives can realistically be achieved by the end of 2026 and that they result in lowering the carbon footprint by 3 kg CO2e per chicken.
For manure, the objectives are to reduce the carbon footprint by developing:
- heat exchanger system that dry out litter and decrease GHG emissions from broiler parent’s stables and
- optimizing poultry manure as a valuable resource for biogas and/or biochar production.
It is realistic that these objectives are achieved medio 2027 and that they will lower the carbon footprint by 1 kg CO2e per chicken. In total, LowCLIC will cut of 4 kg CO2e per chicken.