Algae based climate feed additive for methane reduction in dairy cows. "Climate Feed"
Projektansvarlig: Rudolf Thøgersen
De forventede resultater fra projektet bliver offentliggjort på denne internetside:
4. kvartal 2024. Projektets resultater stilles gratis til rådighed
Introduktion: The project will develop a novel climate friendly algae-based feed additive with a significant methane reduction (30%) in dairy cows with improved overall feed efficiency and productivity. The feed additive will replace synthetic additives. Algae farmers,
Danish producers of feed and minerals, dairy companies and farmers will share the value of (estimated)
1.4 billion DKK/year in DK alone. The investment will be used at Danish universities, GTS institutes and Danish companies to develop and document (by in vitro and in vivo test) the novel zoo-technical algae-based feed additive.
First phase of documentation in EC for implementation will be initiated.
Brunalger skuffer i nyt dansk forskningsprojekt om køers metan
Artikel i MaskinBladet 30. september 2024